Comprehensive Plan

On February 14, 2012 the Antrim Township Board of Supervisors adopted a Joint Comprehensive Plan updating the previous plan that has been the Township's guide since 1992.

The comprehensive planning process involves an assessment of the natural and human resources of an area. The planning goals are to achieve a practical and reasonable balance between land conservation and preservation, individual property owners rights to a reasonable return from their land, and economic development. The joint comprehensive plan for Antrim Township, the Borough of Greencastle, and the Greencastle-Antrim School District assumes that each viewpoint is legitimate and each has a voice in the planning process.

The following objectives are formulated with the intention of balancing conservation and anticipated future growth in our community. A balance will hopefully maintain the unique small town and agricultural flavor of our community while assuring a positive outlook for growth. The comprehensive plan was developed to ensure that:

  • Future residential, commercial and industrial development is concentrated in an orderly way in areas accessible to public sewer and public water.
  • The impact of new traffic is accounted for in consideration of site approval for new development.
  • The street and highway networks provide efficient circulation through and around the existing commercial centers of the community.
  • Provisions are made for a safe and reliable water supply for the current and anticipated populations.
  • Community facility planning becomes coordinated between the two communities in order to more efficiently serve the needs of an anticipated economically diversified population.
  • Future planning decisions take into consideration the increasing attractiveness of the region for commercial and residential development spreading outward from the metropolitan areas of Washington and Baltimore.
  • The community develops and maintains a land management data base to help in a coordinated governmental approach to land regulation and development in the area.
  • The community manages agricultural land in order to preserve the economic feasibility of this principle industry of our community as well as the rural nature that makes our community a desirable place to live.
  • Future housing development meets the varied needs, preferences and income of the existing and future residents of the community.
  • Area residents and businesses have access to the full range of goods and services needed for daily work and living.
  • Implementation of strategies such as zoning and subdivision regulations to insure that future growth occurs in areas where the positive aspects of development outweigh negative aspects.

You may read the current plan at the following link:

The 1992 plan may be read at the following link: